{{ $title }}
Important Points
- You need to use .xlsx file to upload students, for that you downlaod sample template file by clicking "Download Template" Button.
- You did not remove the header in .xlsx, otherwise it will give errors.
- In .xlsx there are bold coloums in header, which is madatory to fill it, otherwise it will give errors.
- This xls import is only for Students's Subject
{{ getPhrase('information_helper_for_excel_data')}}
{!! Form::open(array('url' => URL_STUDENT_SUBJECT_DOWNLOAD, 'method' => 'POST', 'novalidate'=>'','name'=>'formUsers ', 'files'=>'true')) !!}
@include('common.year-selection-view', array('class'=>'custom-row-6'))
{!! Form::close() !!}