They say you are born to teach and it must have been like that for me because I know education is the field where I belong. It’s not just love of children, it’s hope for the future for us, education is more than the curriculum as we firmly believe in grooming our children with the right values, the right ethics and the right attitude thereby assuring that they are responsible, competent, honest, humane, enterprising, perceptive and emotionally stronger individuals of tomorrow. We encourage our students to be academically sound and enthusiastic, at the same time we goad them to be involved in as many activities as they possible can – be it sports, cultural or aesthetics – participation helps them to discover and unleash their talents, build team spirit and initiate leadership skills. Parents have perennially partnered with us to fulfill our mission and we are proud of two prevailing modalities – while on one hand the faculty frequently dialogues with the parents, on the other, our teachers never cease to extend their hands beyond the realms of classroom, bonding naturally with the students.