TSN First Graduation Day CelebrationPosted On : 25-Mar-2019 Posted By : Admin JhalamandThe Shanti Niketan Jhalamand stands with an illustrious tradition which got boosted with the celebration of "The Graduation Day" ceremony to attest the felicitation of a substantial future of the little champs. The different facets of the view where Hello Dance, Welcome tune, Skit on the demerits of the modern gadgets remained the highlights. The encouragement and stimulation was supplied by the chief guest august MLA Mrs. Manisha Panwar, Guest of honour Dr. Bharat Maheshwari, Chairman Mr. Kailash Modi, Director Mrs. Shobha Modi & Principal Mrs. Yogeshwari Rathore in the form of the grant of the citation certificates which brought an endless process of blessing alongwith the peerless announcement of INFANCY CLASS for 18 month to 30 month toddlers. ![]() |