Foundation DayPosted On : 05-Apr-2019 Posted By : Admin JhalamandGIVE THE GIFT OF GRAIN AND SAVE What is education all about? To make our children understand life. As someone said, “Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I’ll understand.” This is a simple way kids are getting involved to understand the challenges of the world they are going to inherit. The little tsnites celebrated the founder's day of the school starting by a special assembly by including history and establishment of the school under the able guidance of the founder SHRI KEWAL CHAND JI MODI,scholars actively participated in the quiz related to the school after which they contributed rice and atta for the poor children and ended the day by enjoying a children friendly movie "JUNGLEE" which is all about respecting and saving the animals,kids enjoyed the movie with finger licking snacks and drinks. The students realized a bit about what they have to, and can, do to bring about a change. This makes them reflect about their own lives differently. Soon enough, this reflection makes way for action, when they ask us how they can help their friends. TSN's aim is simple—to sensitize and make the little ones aware about the world they don’t see, but that exists all the same. With simple ideas, it makes them realize the value of things that they take for granted. After the session, when asked what they would like to share, apart from their things, many spoke about knowledge, values, good habits, etc. ![]() |