ISA Folktale ActivityPosted On : 11-Apr-2019 Posted By : Admin JhalamandAs a recognition of its year long pursuit for providing its students an International Dimension and global exposure in education, THE SHANTI NIKETAN, conducted the I.S.A ACTIVITY ,under the aegis of BRITISH COUNCIL. The School successfully designed, developed and inculcated an international dimension in the curriculum through a colourful bonanza of activities. The students and teachers worked in unison to achieve the objective of giving globally conscious ethos to the school.The plan was put into action involving students from classes III-V The zeal and zest of one and all involved has enabled us to take a step towards accomplishing our mission. The Accreditation has opened windows to other countries and cultures, giving teachers and scholars a new outlook of the world. It has prepared everybody with skills of life. This time theme for the activity was FOLK TALES which was taken up as a competition judged by the chief guests for the day MS.AMRITA DUDIYA and MS.PRACHEE GAUR, According to the school principal MRS.YOGESHWARI RATHORE It has always been the school's endeavour to impart quality education to its students and equip them with essential skills to emerge as responsible global citizens. School Chairman SHRI KAILASH CHAND JI MODI firmly believes that through the ISA activities, students learns various values like inter-personal skills, team spirit, cross cultural acceptance and global citizenship he explains further that the ISA journey brought about a great value addition in the lives of students, preparing each one of them to keep abreast with the rapidly changing world. The project enabled the students to acquire knowledge about folk tales of India and the partner countries –NEPAL,SRI LANKA,BANGLADESH and PAKISTAN . Young TSNits researched about culture of these countries with a special emphasis on folk tales They religiously enacted folk tales of different countries. The judges appreciated the confidence of the students with which they performed their roles heartbeats went up as the results were disclosed -INDIAN FOLK TALE stood FIRST and NEPALI FOLK TALE bagged the SECOND POSITION ![]() |