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Posted On : 19-Apr-2019 Posted By : Admin Jhalamand

Lord, I struggle sometimes with forgiveness. 

I struggle to give it. 

I struggle to recieve it.

Thankyou for loving me enough to die for me,

for wiping my sins away and erasing my wrongs deeds.

I'm sorry for this gift of grace which I refused to embrace, 

I Know I am not perfect and 

I need a Saviour. 

Thankyou for saving me.

Thankyou for teaching me the art of forgiveness .

“An eye for an eye only makes the world blind” 

As quoted by a young TSNit opened the eyes of all present as they got to know the actual message of Good Friday 

Children who learn how to forgive also gain an edge academically, and the reason may be as simple as having more energy available to focus on constructive pursuits. Their brains aren’t fuming, recounting the hurt, and plotting revenge; instead, they’ve got a clean slate where they can organize information and think creatively.

A small enactment in the special assembly.

showcased the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ , The miracles and teachings of Jesus Christ left the children spell bound and enlightened. It kindled the spirit of forgiveness among the children